Visitors will receive a confirmation email indicating travel details, cabin access, and the host contact information.
Stay with Us in 3 easy steps!
1: Booking
Wolf Creek Cabin will have a book of accommodations, recommendations, hospitality guidelines, and more! Check-in time is 2:00 PM.
2. Arrival
Wolf Creek will have a welcome book of accomendations, recommodations, hospitality guidelines, and more! Check-in time is 2:00 PM.
2: Arrival
Enjoy your trip? Share a note with Wolf Creek Cabin in the visitors memoir book. Check-out time is 10:00 AM.
3: Check-Out
3: Check-out
Enjoy your trip? Share a note with Wolf Creek Cabin in the visitors memoir book. Check-out time is 10:00 AM.
Coming Soon.
1 Night: $85
2-3 nights: $100
4-5 Nights: $250
Month: $350
Coming soon.
"Our stay at Wolf Creek Cabin was nothing short of magical! Waking up to the sounds of nature and sipping coffee on the porch was pure bliss. The cozy atmosphere, combined with a log feel made it the perfect retreat."
Sara L.
"A hidden gem in the woods! The hosts were incredibly accomodating, ensuring our stay was stress-free. It's the ideal spot for a peaceful getaway."
Jesse N.
"Our family is booking our next trip! Our kids enjoyed the trails, fishing, and local attractions. There are many great places to eat, historic places to visit, and the community members are very welcoming!"
Jamie L.